Taurus For those born under the Taurus zodiac, the beginning of December may be a bit challenging. In the first week of the month, unexpected large expenses could arise, which may disrupt your budget. To maintain a stable financial situation, you will need to put in more effort and work harder. During this time, disputes related to land or property may cause you concern. However, from the second week of December, you will start to find relief from problems related to life and finances. If any close relationships had been strained, they are likely to improve with the help of an elder. Health-wise, the first half of the month might be a bit unstable. You could suffer physically and mentally due to seasonal changes or a recurrence of an old illness. People with jobs should avoid any negligence in their work this month, as it could tarnish their image in front of seniors. In the latter half of December, you may meet influential people who could help you progress in your career or business. During this time, you may sign a significant agreement. Legal disputes could be resolved, and enemies may initiate peace talks. A court decision may be in your favor. In your romantic life, the relationship will remain sweet, and you will have better compatibility with your partner. Your married life will be pleasant and harmonious.