Leo For people born under the Leo zodiac, the last month of the year will bring mixed results. The second half of December will be much more favorable for you than the first half. At the beginning of the month, you may face various obstacles in your work and career. During this time, avoid being careless with any task. Any mistake or negligence, especially for those in jobs, could have serious consequences. Due to unfavorable conditions in your work, you might even decide to change your job. Leos should also avoid long-distance travel during this period. If travel is absolutely necessary, make sure to take great care of your health and belongings. In the second week of the month, you might experience an unexpected increase in expenses. In the middle of the month, if you don’t plan your work properly, it could lead to significant losses, both in your career and business. During this time, you should avoid laziness and pride. In the latter half of December, you will earn the money you desire through your intelligence and wisdom in business. Your good luck will be on your side, and you will receive full support from your family members at home. In romantic relationships, avoid unnecessary pride and respect the feelings of your partner.