Gemini For people born under the Gemini zodiac, the month of December will bring significant changes. You will witness notable shifts in your career and business. If you are employed and planning a change in your professional field, your wish will be fulfilled this month. Similarly, if you are a businessperson, you may make significant changes in your business to achieve more profit and progress. Working women are likely to experience special success during this time. If you are employed, the first half of the month will bring an increase in your position and prestige. This month will be particularly favorable for those involved in business related to foreign trade. In the second week of the month, you may suddenly be burdened with a major responsibility. Due to the busy nature of your career or business, you may not be able to pay much attention to personal relationships. During this time, there may be disagreements with family members, and misunderstandings could cause issues in your love life. Gemini natives might also face issues related to bones or teeth during this period. From the middle of the month, you will start to see a reduction in your problems. With the help of a well-wisher, the tensions in your relationships will ease. Your business will get back on track. Employed individuals will restore their reputation through hard work. This period of good fortune will continue until the end of the month.