
Capricorn Horoscope for December

Capricorn For those born under the Capricorn zodiac, December will be a month of ups and downs. The first half of the month will be favorable for you, while the second half will bring challenges. Therefore, you should try to complete all your important tasks in the beginning of the month. At the start of the month, you will receive full support from luck, and whatever direction you focus on, you will find success. During this time, you will get complete cooperation and support from well-wishers and family members. This period will be especially favorable for people involved in politics, as they may receive higher positions or important responsibilities. Their popularity in society will increase. Any travels related to your career or business will prove beneficial. If you are in business, you may strike a big deal related to your trade. You may also consider shortcuts or tactics to make a profit. If you have been planning to purchase something related to comfort and luxury for a long time, this may be the time for your wish to come true. In the second half of the month, you may face obstacles in acquiring ancestral property. You may have to approach the court to resolve disputes related to land or property. Those in partnership businesses should be extra cautious while dealing with money during this period. From a relationship perspective, the second half of the month may bring some challenges. During this time, relationships with loved ones may face conflicts. You might encounter difficulties in your romantic relationship, and meetings with your partner may face obstacles. You may also be concerned about the health of your spouse.